Fall In Love with your challengs

Scale-UP your Career


Stuck in the same position?

Haven't reached your dream position yet?

Does ADHD Impact Your Job Search?

How can ADHD help you scale up?

New Position OnBoarding

How does your ADHD impact your onboarding?

What Skiles & Gaps you should focus on?

How to Use Your ADHD Superpower to Accelerate the Onboarding

Overcome ADHD

Main challenge

Doing the Same mistake Over & Over & Over

Donet know how to handle your biggest pain?

Feedup from Hearing "You can do better"

Why Hi-Tech Careers with ADHD Rocks

The world of tech has special rules suited for ADHD mins

Databases, networks, software, and how people interact are all about connections. Being able to see these connections from a big-picture perspective quickly gives people with ADHD a big advantage in this world.

ADHD-enhanced skills such as empathy, problem-solving, leadership, and thinking outside the box make us natural leaders in people-facing roles.

Some jobs are a good match for people with ADHD:

Product Management & Designer

HR recruiting and Managers

Customer Success


Interpenuers & More


Customer facing

thinking outside



Why Me? Why NOT!

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My name is Dudi, but my friends call me Dudido ​because of my ADHD

During the day, I am the founder and CEO of ​ADHDoTECH (NPO), Mentor ADHD High Tech ​employees, and Data PM Group Leader at 8200.

At night, I volunteer as a mentor & lecturer in ​Give&Tech & Acadmic Inovation Hubs, as well as ​accelerating three Talented ADHD kids at home.

Along with my passion for Self Improvment and ADHD, ​I am committed to help ADHDers tap into their EQ and ​IQ potential and transform to HiTech Talents by ​supporting them in the following ways:

1:1 ADHD High Tech mentoring

Founding & Leading ADHDoTech org (NPO)

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What Mentees say behind my back

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Tal Katz

Product Manager

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"My experience with Dudi was ​amazing! Dudi understood me ​in a special way. He knew how ​to give advice tailored to my ​unique personality, my attention ​difficulties, and create a safe ​space that inspired me.

Dudi believed in me and his ​other mentees in a way that ​encourages self-belief. Beyond ​the important professional ​advice, Dudi also knows how to ​allow for discovery and ​understanding of oneself within ​the High tech world."


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Tal moskovich

Full Stack Engineer & lectuer

"Dudi was my mentor when I started a new role as a product manager and innovator manager. Together with Dudi, I strengthened many soft skills in the field of product management, and we worked on my communication skills with my managers & various colleagues in a large organization in order to maximize my impact on the role. Dudi program was tilered to my needs, gave me a lot of attention along the way, and I totally feel like I went through a maturation process with him. I recommend everyone to take Dudi as a partner on their journey!"


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Shahar yalov

Senior product manager

"Under Dudi's guidance, ​ADHDudi.DO played an importan​t role in shaping my pro​fessional career direction a​nd helped me focus on my​ next job position. the ​mentoring program, and his​ guidance along the way, hel​ped we to develop crucial s​kills and created an enviro​nment for growth. The program​ helps to change and enhance​ the work experience for pe​ople ​like me."


Paz Gruberg

Marketing Director

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“דודי מקצוען אמיתי, עם ניסיון רב והבנה מעמיקה "ממקור ראשון". מעבר למטרת התהליך לשמה פניתי, התהליך עזר עם לגיטימציה, הבנה מעמיקה יותר והכרה של עצמי וכן מתן כלים פרקטיים בהתאמה אישית ל-"ADHD" שלי. מומלץ לכל מתמודד בכל שלב בחיים, מוטב מוקדם ממאוחר”


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Scale-Up your career

Map your ADHD Barrier

&ADHD skills

step 1

Uniqe roadmap for your Upgarde journey

step 2

Overcome the ADHD Gaps Step by Step with me

step 3

10 weekly 1:1 sessions that will help you to overcome ADHD's main barriers which impact your carrier progress And Focus on your ADHD challenges

The plan includes also two weekly on-demand short calls & ongoing WhatsApp support

Only 3900 nis to start the Journey and move on to the role you want

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On-Boarding New position

Map your ADHD Barrier

&ADHD skills

step 1

Uniqe roadmap for your onboarding

step 2


step 3

Overcome the onboarding adhd challenges

step 4

2-month program, 6 sessions to Unlock YOUR ONBOARDING ADHD blocking barrier, select the best habits to overcome the challenge and adapt them.

The plan includes also one weekly on-demand short call, WhatsApp support & follow-up session after the program ends

Only 2900 nis to accelerate your SUCCESSFUL onboarding process

Overcoming One Challenge Sprint

Pine point the MAIN problem and its costs

step 1

step 2




step 3

As an ADHDer, you already know your biggest pain point, Let's work together to overcome it

In 4 weekly sessions Unlock one blocking barrier, select the best habit to overcome the challenge, and adapt it together

The plan includes also one weekly on-demand short call, WhatsApp support & follow-up session after the program ends

Only 1600 ns and you are ON YOUR WAY

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Are You Ready?

Being an ADHDer who has worked in high-tech for the past 20 years (7 years as a product manager) I understand the challenges ADHDers face in the workplace and the opportunities available to ADHDers to become Hi-Tech Talents.

My Mentoring programs are based on tools from both professional Mentoring and ADHD coaching

Not sure you are ready for ADHD Mentoring - Take a short (2 min) Evaluation test

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ADHDudi - Your ADHD Buddy and Mentor - Coaching